Item Name: Stalking 1920 - 1933

Item ID: Stalki-AT2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge


Requirements October 1914 until November 1932

I. Know and recognize the tracks of ten different animals or birds to be found in his vicinity. For boys living in the city the tracks of domestic animals or birds may be counted.

2. Track an animal for one-quarter mile over ordinary ground without snow. In special cases where large wild animals cannot be found, a trail made by "tracking irons," or by a boy on stilts, may be substituted.

3. Make clear, recognizable photographs of live wild animals or birds, and score twenty-five points on the following basis:

(a) Each different species of wild bird, photographed on the nest, or of young birds, to count two points;

(b) Each species of adult wild bird, photographed away from the nest to count three points;

(c) Each species of small wild animal to count four points.

(d) Each species of wild animal larger than a woodchuck to count five points.


Requirements November 1932 until June 1952

1. Demonstrate by means of a stalking game or otherwise, ability to stalk skillfully in shelter and wind, etc., showing how to proceed noiselessly and "freeze" when occasion demands.

2. Know and recognize the tracks of ten different kinds of animals or birds in his vicinity, three of which may be domestic.

3. Submit satisfactory evidence that he has trailed two different kinds of wild animals or birds on ordinary ground far enough to determine the direction in which they were going, and their gait or speed. Give names of animals or birds trailed, their direction of travel, and describe gait or speed; or submit satisfactory evidence that he has trailed six different kinds of wild animals or birds in snow, sand, dust, or mud, far enough to determine the direction they were going and their gate or speed. Give names of animals or birds, their direction of travel, and describe gait or speed.

4. Submit satisfactory evidence that he has tracked a human being and deduced from the trail whether it was man or woman, young or old, the gait or speed, and also give any other information deduced.

5. Submit evidence that he has scored at least 30 points from the following groups: [Group (f) and 4 of the 5 groups (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) must be represented in the score of 30 and at least 7 points must be scored from (a), (b), or (c) ].

Make clear recognizable photographs of:

(a) Live bird away from nest................................................................................ 4 points each

(b) Live woodchuck or smaller wild animal.......................................................... 3 points each

(c) Live wild animal larger than woodchuck......................................................... 4 points each

(d) Live bird on nest.............................................................................................. 3 points each

(e) Tracks of live wild animal or bird..................................................................... 2 points each


(f) Make satisfactory plaster cast of

wild animal or bird tracks with identification

imprint on back of cast....................................................................................... 2 points each