Item Name: Surveying 1913 - 1921

Item ID: Survey-AH5

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements August 1911 until October 1914

I. Map correctly from the country itself the main features of half a mile of road, with 440 yards each side to a scale of two feet to the mile, and afterward draw same map from memory.

2. Be able to measure the height of a tree, telegraph pole, and church steeple, describing method adopted.

3. Measure width of a river.

4. Estimate distance apart of two objects a known distance away and unapproachable.

5. Be able to measure a gradient.


Requirements October 1914 until December 1941

I. Map correctly from the country itself the main features of half a mile of road, with 440 yards each side, to a scale of two feet to the mile, and afterward draw same map from memory.

2. Measure the width of a river.

3. Measure the height of a tree, telegraph pole, or a church steeple, describing the method adopted.

4. Be able to measure a gradient.

5. Understand the use of the plane table.