Item Name: Taxidermy 1942 - 1945

Item ID: Taxide-D1

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements December 1941 until June 1953

1. Have a knowledge of the game laws in his State.

2. Properly prepare and label a study skin of: (a) a bird; (b) a small mammal.

3. (a) Present a satisfactory specimen of a bird or small mammal mounted by himself; or (b) Cure and mount properly for a rug or wall decoration a pelt of a fur-bearing animal.

4. (a) Explain at least three methods by which skeletons and skulls are prepared for museum purposes; (b) Prepare and present at least five labeled specimens of properly macerated and preserved skulls of birds or animals, each of different species.

Note: No specimen will be accepted which has not been captured and killed humanely so far as the Scout is responsible and none which has not been killed legally.