Item Name: Textiles 1937 - 1938

Item ID: Textis-C2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements May 1925 until June 1952

1. Identify a piece of woolen cloth.
Identify a piece of worsted cloth.
Identify a piece of cotton cloth.
Identify a piece of silk cloth.
Identify a piece of artificial silk cloth.

Submit a collection of samples.

State how he would distinguish each of the above.

2. (a) Know the physical properties (appearance) in the raw state of wool, worsted, cotton, silk and artificial silk.

(b) Know how yarns made from these fibers differ in their character, and state the means by which he would distinguish between them.

3. Distinguish between a woven fabric and a knitted fabric, and state which wears the better and why.

4. State how wool, cotton and silk are grown, and name the principal sources of supply of each.

5. Outline the different operations that would be used in converting some fiber into cloth. Name the machines that would be used and the kind of cloth that would be made. Report whether data for this test are gathered from visits to a factory or from texts.

6. Produce a sample and tell what properties a good piece of cotton or woolen wearing-apparel should possess.

7. State what the size numbers of yarns signify. Illustrate with at least two samples.

8. State which fibers are easier to dye and which are harder, and explain why in each case.

9. Name the two principal sources of dyestuffs.