Item Name: Theater 1967 - 1972

Item ID: Theate-G

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements September 1967 until June 1972

1. See or read three full-length plays and write a brief review of each, commenting on the story, acting, staging, etc. You may review movies or television dramas of at least 90 minutes if "live" theater is not available to you. (This requirement can also be met by seeing one play and reading two, or seeing two and reading one.)

2. Write a one-act play that will take at least 8 minutes to perform. It must have a main character, conflict, and a climax.

3. Do THREE of the following seven projects:

(a) Act a major role in a full-length play or major roles in three one-act plays.

(b) Direct a play, including casting it, rehearsing, and staging it. The play may be one act and must be at least 10 minutes long.

(c) Design and make a model of the setting for a play.

(d) Design and draw the costumes for five characters in one play set in a period before 1900.

(e) Demonstrate skill in stage makeup. Be prepared to make up yourself or a friend as an old man or woman, an Indian, a clown, or a monster.

(f) Help with the building of scenery for one full-length or two one-act plays.

(g) Design the lighting for a play, or handle the lighting for a play under the guidance of a director or your school drama teacher.

4. Pantomime any ONE of the following five situations selected by your counselor:

You have entered a large room. It is warm, colorful, full of pictures, furniture, other things of interest.

As you are boarding a bus, your school books fall into a puddle in the gutter. By the time you pick them up, the bus has driven off.

You have failed a school test and are talking with your teacher about it. He is not satisfied with your long explanation.

You are at camp with an awkward Tenderfoot, trying to help him pass the cooking test for Second Class. He learns very slowly.

You are at a banquet. The meat is good, but you don't like the vegetable. The dessert is ice cream.

5. Know the meaning and uses of the following: proscenium, central or arena staging, spotlight, floodlight, flies, highlight, lowlight, scene paint, stage brace, cleat, stage crew, batten, foyer.

6. Perform for your counselor any two short entertainment features that you could give either alone or with others for a troop meeting or campfire. They might be songs, dances, magic acts, recitations, skits, monologues, puppet shows, dramatic readings, etc.