Item Name: Traffic Safety 1990 - 2002

Item ID: TraSaf-H5

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements February 1975 until January 2001

1. Do the following:

(a) Explain and answer questions about the seriousness and the size of the street and highway traffic safety problem in the United States, your state, and your community.
(b) (1) Make a scrapbook containing 10 newspaper articles about serious traffic crashes. (2) List what driving and/or safety rules were violated. Tell how these crashes might have been prevented. (3) Give one other cause which might have contributed to each crash.
(c) Tell why driving while impaired by alcohol or other drugs is such an important problem.
(d) Explain how highway design, road conditions, and roadside hazards relate to the occurrence and seriousness of traffic crashes.
(e) Check tires for wear and proper inflation.

2. Describe two safety programs designed to control and reduce the serious effects of the highway traffic safety problem.

3. Do the following:

(a) list 10 automotive features that reduce the seriousness of injuries when crashes occur.
(b) Tell why safety features are important when buying a car.
(c) Demonstrate how to adjust lap and shoulder belts. Explain why it is important to wear them at all times.

4. Do the following to show your knowledge of car care for safety maintenance:

(a) Check operation of all exterior lights.
(b) Check operation of all interior lights.
(c) Locate a fuse or circuit breaker on the light or horn circuit.
(d) Check windshield wiper blade and smear-and-clear test. Replace the blade, if needed, and retest.

5. Do the following:

(a) In a location away from traffic hazards, measure with a tape measure--not in a car--and mark off with stakes the distance that a car may travel during the time needed for decision and reaction, and the braking distance necessary to stop a car traveling 30, 45, and 70 miles an hour on dry pavement. Discuss additional allowance that bad weather and road conditions would require.
(b) Using a bicycle, demonstrate four safe practices common to bicycle and automobile driving.
(c) Using the chart of new international traffic signs and control devices, explain the meaning of each.
(d) Demonstrate the difference in visibility at night between a bicycle and rider properly lighted and marked with a reflectorized material and a bicycle and rider at night with dark clothing and an unlighted bicycle.

6. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Observe, study, and prepare a report on one important community activity for traffic safety.
(b) Report on a traffic safety project in which you participated with your troop, post, or school.
(c) Report on an individual project that you carried out in promoting traffic safety.


Requirements January 2001 until January 2007

1. Do the following:

(a) Make a scrapbook containing 10 newspaper articles about serious traffic crashes. Prepare a summary table of the facts in the articles indicating the number of people injured, the number killed, type of crash (single vehicle, head on collision, etc.), Time of occurrence, age of the driver, whether alcohol or drugs were involved, use of safety belts, and any other facts that were reported to have contributed to the crash (weather conditions, fatigue, construction, etc.). Discuss how these crashes could have been prevented.
(b) Describe how often Hall affects the human body and why this is a problem for safely driving a motor vehicle. Research the legal blood alcohol concentration in your state and the consequences for driving while intoxicated.
(c) Describe at least four factors to be considered with an engineer designs a road or highway. Explain how roadside hazards and road conditions contribute to the occurrence and seriousness of traffic crashes.
(d) Explain why driver who is fatigue should not operate a motor vehicle. Describe how volunteer drivers can plan to be alert when supporting Scouting participants.

2. Do the following:

(a) Identify the different types of occupant restraint systems used in motor vehicles. Describe how they work and their purpose for safety. Demonstrate how to properly wear lap and shoulder belts. Explain why it is important for drivers and passengers to wear safety belts at all times.
(b) List five safety features found in motor vehicles besides occupant restraint systems. Describe each feature, and how each works, and how each contributes to safety.

3. Do the following to show your knowledge of car care for safety maintenance:

(a) Using your family car for another vehicle, demonstrate that all lights and lighting systems in the vehicle are working describe the function and explain what each type of light is important to safe driving.
(b) Using your family car or another vehicle, demonstrate how to check tire pressure and identify the correct tire pressure for the vehicle. Explain why proper tire pressure is important to safe driving.
c) Demonstrate a method to check for adequate tire tread. Explain why proper tread is important to safe driving.
(d) Demonstrate with a smear – and – clear test if the windshield wiper blades will clear the windshield completely or need to be replaced. Describe instances in good and bad weather when windshield washers are important to safe driving.

4. Do the following:

(a) In a location away from safety hazards, measure with a tape measure – not in a car – and Mark off with stakes the distance that a car will travel during the time needed for decision and reaction, and the braking distances necessary to stop a car traveling 30, 50, and 70 miles per hour on a dry, level payment. Discuss how environmental factors such as bad weather and road conditions will affect the distance.
(b) Demonstrate the difference in nighttime visibility between a properly lit bicycle and rider (or a pedestrian) wearing reflective material and a bicycle and rider with no lights (or a pedestrian) dressed in dark clothing, without reflective material.
(c) Make a chart of standard traffic signs. Explain how color and shape are used to help road users recognize and understand the information presented explain the purpose of different types of signs, signals, and pavement markings.
(d) Describe at least three examples of traffic laws that apply to drivers of motor vehicles and that bicyclist must also obey.

5. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Interview a traffic law enforcement officer in your community to identify what three traffic safety problems the officer is most concerned about. Discuss with your merit badge counselor possible ways to solve one of these problems.
(b) Initiate and organize an activity to demonstrate the importance of traffic safety. Activities could include making a traffic safety presentation before a school assembly, to classes of younger students, or to another large group of people; having a staged demonstration of the consequences of a crash, working with the police and paramedics; organizing a presentation to the students of your school by an emergency room doctor and/or nurse to describe their experiences with motor vehicle crash victims; organizing a clinic to demonstrate safe bicycle riding and helmet use.
(c) Accompanied by an adult, pick a safe place to observe traffic at a controlled intersection (traffic signal or stop sign) and survey (1) such violations as running a red light or stop sign; or (2) seat belt usage. Count the number of violations or number of drivers not wearing a seatbelt. Record in general terms if the driver was young/old, male/female. Discuss the findings with your merit badge counselor.
(d) Based on what you have learned so far, develop a checklist for a safe trip. Share the checklist with your merit badge counselor, and use the checklist whenever your family makes a vehicle trip. Include on the list the responsibilities of the driver and the passengers for before and during the trip.