Item Name: Wilderness Survival 1978 - 1990

Item ID: WilSur-H4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1973 until January 1984

1. Show that you know about personal hygiene and emergency first aid to be used in the wilderness.

2. Make up a small survival kit and be able to explain why each thing was put in it.

3. Show that you can start fires three ways other than by using matches.

4. Tell five different ways of attracting attention when lost.

5. Show that you can make a shelter by using only a knife and native materials.

6. Spend a night in a shelter of your making.

7. Identify 10 edible wild plants. Show that you can prepare them.

8. Have a knowledge about the use of insects, reptiles, and animals for supplies and equipment.

9. Prepare a meal for yourself and a buddy by using 1 pound of ground meat and no utensils or matches. Include edible wild plants and drinks in this meal.

10. Show how to purify water.

11. Build a container to store supplies using wilderness materials.

12. Show that you know proper clothing to be worn in your area on an overnight on July 1 and January 1.


Requirements January 1984 until September 1995

1. From memory, describe the priorities for survival in a backcountry or wilderness location.

2. Describe ways to (a) avoid panic and (b) maintain a high level of morale when lost.

3. Show that you know first aid for injuries or illnesses likely to occur in backcountry outings, including hypothermia, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, frostbite, dehydration, sunburn, stings, ticks, snakebite, blisters, and hyperventilation.

4. Tell what you would do to survive in the following environments:

(a) Cold and snowy
(b) Wet (forest)
(c) Hot and dry (desert)
(d) Windy (mountains or plains)
(e) Water (ocean or lake)

5. Make up a small survival kit and be able to explain how each item in it is useful.

6. Show that you can start fires using three methods other than matches.

7. Do the following:

(a) Tell five different ways of attracting attention when lost.
(b) Show how to use a signal mirror to attract attention when lost.
(c) From memory, describe five international ground-to-air signals and tell what they mean.

8. Show that you can find and improvise a natural shelter minimizing the damage to the environment.

9. Spent a night in your shelter.

10. Explain how to protect yourself against insects, reptiles, rodents, and bears.

11. Show three ways to purify water.

12. Show that you know the proper clothing to be worn in your area on an overnight in extremely hot weather and extremely cold weather.

13. Explain why it usually is not wise to eat edible wild plants or wildlife in a wilderness survival situation.