Item Name: Life Badge 1985 - 89

Item ID: LB-1-8-02

Collector Rating: 3

Requirements June 1983 until January 1990

1. Be active in your troop and patrol for at least 6 months as a Star Scout.

2. Show Scout spirit.

3. Earn five more merit badges (so that you have 11 in all), including any three more from the required list for Eagle.*

4. While a Star Scout, take part in service projects totaling at least 6 hours of work. These must be approved by your Scoutmaster.

5. While a Star Scout, serve actively for 6 months in one or more of the leadership positions listed in requirement 5 for Star Scout (or carry out a Scoutmaster-assigned leadership project to help the troop).

6. Take part in a personal growth agreement conference.

;">*The require list for Eagle has 14 merit badges in 11 categories. First Aid was earned for First Class. Any of the remaining 13 may be used for this requirement