Item Name: Family Living 1972 - 1975

Item ID: SA-01-FamLiv

Collector Rating: 1

Requirements June 1972 – February 1979

1. Explain what is meant by the following terms:

family    duty to family     family problems

2. Talk with your leader about duties and responsibilities you and other members of your family have at home. Talk with your parents or guardian about other duties you may take on for the next 3 months.

3. Show that you can look after yourself, members of your family, and home by doing the following:

a. Inspect your home and grounds. List any dangers seen.
b. Explain why garbage and trash must be disposed of properly.
c. Look after some children younger than yourself for at least 3 hours. Use good health and safety practices.
d. List some of the things your family spends money for. Tell your responsibility to your family’s finances.
e. Explain what your family does for recreation. Make a list of things your family might do at very little cost. Do one of these with a member of your family

4. Explain how a person or a family member where you live might get help in the following emergencies or problems:

lack of money
serious family problem