Item Name: Hiking 1975 - 1978

Item ID: SA-02-Hiking

Collector Rating: 1

Requirements January 1975 – February 1979

1. Tell what to do to take a safe hike.

2. Take a hike in the field.*

a. Before leaving, have your plan approved by your leader (including purpose, route, and clothing).
b. Take a 5-mile hike in the field with the troop, patrol, or two or more other Scouts. Use proper methods and courtesies.
c. After you get back, tell what you did and learned.

3. Take a hike in your town.

a. Before leaving, have your plan approved by your leader (including purpose, route, and clothing).
b. Take a hike to a place of interest outside your neighborhood with an adult or at least two other Scouts. Use proper methods and courtesies.
c. After you get back, tell what you did and learned.

4. Using a compass, follow a prescribed course with three different degree readings and three different distances. Finish with a 5 percent or less error.

5. Using a map and compass, follow a route you marked on the map far enough to prove you know how.


*The hikes for requirements 2 and 3 must be taken on separate days.