Item Name: Camping 1979 - 1989

Item ID: SA-03-Campin

Collector Rating: 1

Requirements June 1972 – February 1979

1. Present yourself to your leader before going on an overnight camping trip. Show the camping gear you will use (including food and shelter). Explain how you will use the gera. Show the right way to pack and carry it.

2. Go on an overnight camping trip.

a. Go on an overnight camping trip with your troop, patrol, or other Scouts, using the same equipment. Carry it on your back for at least 1 ½ miles to your camp. After camping, carry 1 ½ miles back.
b. Pitch a tent correctly in a good place that you picked. Sleep in it overnight. Store it correctly after use.
c. Make a bed on the ground. Sleep on it overnight.
d. Follow good health, sanitation, and safety practices. Leave a clean camp.

3. Whip the ends of a rope. Tie a taut-line hitch, bowline, Clove hitch, sheep bend, and square knot. Show their correct use on a camp-out.


Requirements February 1979 - February 1989

1. Present yourself to your leader, properly dressed, before going on an overnight camping trip. Show the camping gear you will use, including shelter and food. Explain how you will use the gear. Show the right way to pack and carry it.

2. Go on two overnight camping trips with your troop, patrol, or other Scouts, using the gear. On each overnight campout do the following:

a. Carry the gear on your back for at least 2km. (1 ¼ mi.) to your camp. After camping, carry it 2 km. (1 ¼ mi.) back.
b. Pick a good place for a tent. Pitch a tent correctly in the place you picked and sleep in it overnight. Store the tent correctly after use.
c. Make a bed on the ground. Sleep on it overnight.
d. Follow good health, sanitation, and safety practices. Leave a clean camp.
e. After each trip, tell your leader what you achieved and learned. Tell how good camping practices proved useful.

3. a. Whip the ends of a rope.

b. Tie the following knots: square knot, sheep bend, two half hitches, clove hitch, taut-line hitch, bowline. Show their correct use.

4. a. Lash poles together with the following lashings: square, shear, and diagonal lashings. Show their correct use.

b. Use lashing for making a simple useful camp gadget.


Note: If you use a wheelchair, crutches, or if it is difficult for you to get around, you may substitute “transport the gear” for “carry the gear on your back” in requirement 2a. You must travel under your own power.