Item Name: Community Living 1979 - 1989

Item ID: SA-03-ComLiv

Collector Rating: 1

Requirements June 1972 – February 1979

1. Explain what is meant by the terms:

public utility
public service
ethnic group
volunteer or private agency
government agency
community problem
community organization

2. Do three of the following:

a. Make a list of five organizations and agenciesworking in your community. Visit one. Tell what it does.
b. List the activities that take place in your community during a month. Explain the reasons for each. Take part in one.
c. Make a list of some community problems. Explain how each affects you, your family, and the community.
d. Tell something of the history, traditions, contributions, and ways of living of the various ethnic groups in your community.

3. Describe the essential public services in your community. Visit a plant or agency providing one of these services.

4. Show that you know how to get around in your town or region. Show that you know how to use the following:

a. A. map of your town or region
b. A transportation schedule


Note: “Community” include your neighborhood, town, housing development, or rural area.


Requirements February 1979 - February 1989

1. Explain what is meant by the terms: public utility, public service, government, community problems, community organization, volunteer or private agency, government agency, ethnic group, tradition, resources, crime resistance.

2. Do three:

a. Make a list of five organizations working in your community. Visit one. Tell what it does.
b. List five activities that take place in your community during a month. Explain the reasons for each. Take part in one. Tell what you did.
c. Make a list of five community problems. Explain how each affects you, your family, and the community.
d. Tell some of the history, traditions, contributions, and ways of living of two ethnic groups in your community.
e. Visit your police department. Find out what you can do to help reduce the likelihood of crime in your home and neighborhood. Tell about your visit.
f. Take part in a service project that will help a volunteer or private agency in your community. Tell what you did.

3. Describe two public services. Visit a place that provides one of these services. Tell about your visit.

4. Show that you know how to get around using a map or transportation schedule.


Note: “Community” is the place where you live.