Item Name: Communications 1979 - 1989

Item ID: SA-03-Commun

Collector Rating: 1

Requirements June 1972 – February 1979

 1. Do two of the following:

a. Introduce a guest speaker to your troop.
b. Introduce your parent(s) to your Scoutmaster.
c. Make an announcement at a troop meeting.

2. Develop a plan in writing for teaching a Scouting skill. Teach it to another Scout or your patrol using your plan. Check how your plan worked with your patrol leader..

3. a. Write a letter asking for the use of facilities for yourself, your patrol, or your troop.

b. Show how to answer the telephone properly. Make a phone call with a request like 3a. Show what to do in an emergency (calling for fire, police, or medical help). Show that the numbers for these are ready for quick use in your home. Talk over respect for others and discipline in use of the phone.

4. Tell a story at a Scout campfire meeting.

5. Promote a Scouting or other group activity. Make a report on what you did. Give the number of contacts made. Report the number who came.

6. Follow a current event in the news for a week. Write a review of the facts you learned.


Requirements February 1979 – February 1989

 1. Do the following:

a. Make a phone call correctly and answer properly.
b. Show how to make an emergency phone call. Put these emergency phone numbers near your home phone.
c. Do two of these:

(1) Introduce a guest.
(2) Make an announcement.
(3) Tell of some special past event.

2. Teach a Scout skill to two or more Scouts.

3. Get a message to others without speaking or writing using two of these:

a. Silent Scout signals.
b. Manual alphabet.
c. Sign language for the deaf.
d. Indian sign language.
e. Sports signals.
f. Morse code.
g. Semaphore code.
h. Scout trail signs.

4. Tell how to get to a place selected by your leader. (It must be 1 km [0.6 mi.] away and not in a straight line.) Use speaking, writing, and sketches.

5. Take part in or plan an emergency mobilization for your patrol or troop.

6. Know five emergency distress signals.