Item Name: Cooking 1979 - 1989

Item ID: SA-03-Cookin

Collector Rating: 1

Requirements June 1972 – February 1979

1. Do the following in the outdoors:

a. Sharpen a knife and ax correctly. Give the rules for the safe use of these tools.
b. Use a knife, ax, or saw correctly to prepare kindling or fuel wood.
c. Start a fire using proper precautions on a good fire site. Use proper tinder, kindling, and fuel. Use this fire to cook a simple meal of at least a meat and vegetable.

2. Show you know how to cook by doing the following indoors or outdoors:

a. Cook an egg.
b. Cook a vegetable.
c. Cook some kind of meat.
d. Make a cup of hot cocoa.
e. Cook a desert.

3. Explain what is meant by a balanced menu.

4. Show you know how to buy food by doing the following:

a. Plan a balanced menu for three meals – breakfast, lunch, and supper.
b. Make a food list based on your plan for a patrol of eight Scouts.
c. Visit a grocery store and price your food list.
d. Figure out what the cost for each Scout would be.

5. On a camping trip(s) with two or more friends or family or your patrol, cook for this group a full breakfast and full dinner or supper.

6. In each test where you cooked, wash the dishes, if used. Properly get rid of the water, trash, and garbage. Put out your fire. Clean up.


Note: Where laws do not let you do some of these tests, they may be changed by your Scoutmaster to meet the laws.


Requirements February 1979 – January 1984

1. Show you know how to buy food by doing the following:

a. Plan a balanced menu for three meals – breakfast, lunch, and supper.
b. Make a food list based on your plan for a patrol of eight Scouts.
c. Visit a grocery store and price your food list.
d. Figure out what the cost for each Scout would be.

2. Sharpen a knife and ax properly and give rules for their safe use.

3. Use a knife, ax, and saw correctly to prepare tinder, kindling, and firewood.

4. a. Locate and prepare a suitable fire site.

b. Build and light a cooking fire using not more than two matches.

5. a. In the outdoors, cook, without utensils, a simple meal. Use raw meat (or fish or poultry) and at least one raw vegetable, and bread (twist or airbread).

b. In the outdoors, prepare, from raw, dried, or dehydrated food, for yourself and two others:

1) A complete breakfast of fruit, hot cooked cereal, hot beverage, and bacon and eggs (or pancakes), and
2) A complete dinner or supper of meat (fish or poultry), at least one vegetable, desert, and bread (biscuit or bannock).

6. After each cooking, properly dispose of garbage, clean utensils, and leave a clean cooking area.


Note: When laws do not let you do some of these tests, they may changed by your Scoutmaster to meet the laws.


Requirements January 1984 - February 1989

1. Show you know how to buy food by doing the following:

a. Plan a balanced menu for three meals – breakfast, lunch, and supper.
b. Make a food list based on your plan for a patrol of eight Scouts.
c. Visit a grocery store and price your food list.
d. Figure out what the cost for each Scout would be.

2. Sharpen a knife and ax properly and give rules for their safe use.

3. Use a knife, ax, and saw correctly to prepare tinder, kindling, and firewood.

4. a. Locate and prepare a suitable fire site.

b. Build and light a cooking fire using not more than two matches.

5. a. In the outdoors, cook, without utensils, a simple meal. Use raw meat (or fish or poultry) and at least one raw vegetable, and bread (twist or airbread).

b. In the outdoors, prepare, from raw, dried, or dehydrated food, for yourself and two others:

1) A complete breakfast of fruit, hot cooked cereal, hot beverage, and meat and eggs (or pancakes), and
2) A complete dinner or supper of meat (fish or poultry), at least one vegetable, desert, and bread (biscuit or bannock).

6. After each cooking, properly dispose of garbage, clean utensils, and leave a clean cooking area.


Note: When laws do not let you do some of these tests, they may changed by your Scoutmaster to meet the laws