Item Name: Junior Assistant Scoutmaster 1981 - 1984

Item ID: JASMB-1-8-1

Collector Rating: 1

Qualifications and Duties June 1972 – July 1981     

     A Junior assistant Scoutmaster is a young man who is well-qualified to be an assistant Scoutmaster but is not yet old enough.

A Junior assistant Scoutmaster is:

  • Appointed by the Scoutmaster.
  • Approved by the troop committee.
  • Responsible to the Scoutmaster.
  • 16 or 17 years old.

     Like the assistant, the junior assistant Scoutmaster handle specific task that match the troops needs and his skills and interest. Junior assistant Scoutmasters may do jobs like these:
     Train Scoutcraft instructors. Show instructors how to put on ineffective demonstrations through the use of visual aids, including participantion by the leaders.
     Coordinate campfires. Develops a list of resources for campfires such as song leaders, storytellers, Indian dancers, game leaders for troop meetings, campouts and long-term camp.
     Train den chiefs. Becomes acquainted with the Cub Scout program and leaders. Gives regular guidance to den chiefs in songs, games, and skills related to the "theme of the month."
     Direct courts of honor. Takes over props, lighting, and other stagecraft.
     Coordinate special events. Provides special services for hikes, campouts, vocational tours, historic hikes, and other events.
     Supervise Order of the Arrow functions. Handles the election of new members, helps prepare for tap-outs and inductions with a local lodge, and overseas service projects of the troop and troop participation in local lodge activities.

Qualifications and Duties July 1981 – 1992

     Upon his 16th birthday, a qualified Scout may be appointed junior assistant Scoutmaster by the Scoutmaster with approval of the troop committee. There may be more than one junior assistant Scoutmaster in a troop.
     Such junior assistant Scoutmasters really function as assistant Scoutmasters, though they will not reach the minimum age for that position until age 18. It is a great complement to a troop to be able to grow and hold the fine young men who become Junior assistant Scoutmasters. The position offers them further opportunities for service and leadership.