Item Name: Librarian 2015 - Current

Item ID: LIB-2-1-2

Collector Rating: 1

Requirements; Librarian 2017 - Current

The librarian should work with the troop’s adult advancement coordinator to learn when rank and merit badge requirements change, so the troop can discuss the purchase of updated materials that include the new requirements.

Librarian Position Description:

  • Establish and maintain a troop library.
  • Keep records on literature owned by the troop.
  • Add new or replacement items as needed.
  • Have literature available for borrowing at troop meetings.
  • Maintain a system to check literature in and out.
  • Follow up on late returns.
  • Set a good example.
  • Wear the Scout uniform correctly.
  • Live by the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
  • Show and help develop Scout spirit.