Item Name: Quartermaster 1934

Item ID: QMB-1-3-1

Collector Rating: 1

Quartermaster 1932 – Fall 1936

Each troop should have its troop flag and its American flag. Each patrol should have a patrol flag. It is recommended that all troop and patrol insignia and all badges (except possibly merit badges) be purchased from troop funds and be given to the Scouts with the understanding that the title thereto remains in the troop.

Every troop should have at its headquarters ropes for knot tying, signal flags, bandages, and other material necessary for the practice of the Scout requirements.

Tents, ponchos, cooking kits, lanterns, axes, and other equipment for camping will be acquired by the troop as funds permit.

All this property should be in the care of a Troop Committeeman, who may bear the title of “Troop Quartermaster.” He may have a reliable Scout to assist him.