Item Name: Quartermaster 1979 - 1989

Item ID: QMB-1-7-2

Collector Rating: 1

June 1972 – July 1981

Keeps records on patrol and troop equipment.

Keeps equipment in good repair for instant use.

Checks out equipment to patrols and sees that it is returned in good order.

Suggest needed new or replacement equipment to the SPL or troop leaders’ council.


1992 –

Job description: The quartermaster keeps track of troop equipment and sees that it is in good working order.

Reports to: the assistant senior patrol leader

Quartermaster duties:

  • Keeps records on patrol and troop equipment
  • Makes sure equipment is in good working condition
  • Issues equipment and makes sure it’s returned in good condition
  • Makes suggestions for new or replacement items
  • Works with the troop committee member responsible for equipment
  • Sets a good example
  • Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly
  • Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
  • Shows Scout spirit