Item Name: Senior Patrol Leader 1965 - 1971

Item ID: SPLB-1-6-1

Collector Rating: 1

Qualifications and Duties July 1959 until August 1970

The office of senior patrol leader is one of the most important positions of leadership in the troop. It is open to a First Class Scout who has a strong character, is proficient in Scouting, and has marked ability as a leader. Since the patrol leader is expected to work with the patrol leaders and assist them in their jobs, he should know what it means to run a patrol. Generally speaking, a Boy Scout with an outstanding record as a patrol leader makes the best senior patrol leader.

The senior patrol leader is elected by the patrol leaders’ council. His appointment is authorized by the troop committee on the Scoutmaster’s recommendation.

His main duty is to be responsible for the troop program. He is the chairman of the patrol leaders’ council which does the planning. Because he is a boy himself, you can depend on him to see that the program is planned the way the boys want it.

He is in charge of troop meetings, keeping the program moving. He is also responsible for the activities of troop hikes and camps.

The senior patrol leader position is the highest elective office in the troop. Since this is true, the SPL ranks above the junior assistant Scoutmasters in the troop chain of command. He is the executive officer of the troop.

A good Senior Patrol Leader

  • Is proficient in Scouting.
  • Has marked ability as a leader.
  • Has served as a successful patrol leader.
  • Serves as chairman of the Patrol leader’s council.
  • Looks to his Scoutmaster for advice and training.
  • Takes charge of troop meetings.
  • Gives leadership to the program on troop hikes, camps, and special activities.
  • Works with the patrol leaders directly or through the assistant senior patrol leaders.
  • Sets a good example in wearing his uniform.


Qualifications and Dutie August 1970 until June 1972

The office of senior patrol leader is one of the most important positions of leadership in the troop. It is open to a First Class Scout who has a strong character, is proficient in Scouting, and has marked ability as a leader. Since the patrol leader is expected to work with the patrol leaders and assist them in their jobs, he should know what it means to run a patrol. Generally speaking, a Boy Scout with an outstanding record as a patrol leader makes the best senior patrol leader.

The First Class requirement for the position of senior patrol leader need not be a problem in the new troop with no Scouts of that rank. The position is an important one, and the troop should have a Scout carrying out the responsibilities of the job even though it has no First Class Scouts. These troops may appoint an acting senior patrol leader who functions as a full-fledged senior patrol leader.

The acting senior patrol leader should be selected in the same manner as the regular senior patrol leader.

The senior patrol leader’s main duty is to be responsible for the troop program. He is the chairman of the patrol leaders’ council which does the planning. Because he is a boy himself, you can depend on him to see that the program is planned the way the boys want it.

He is in charge of troop meetings, keeping the program moving. He is also responsible for the activities of troop hikes and camps.

The senior patrol leader position is the highest elective office in the troop. Since this is true, the SPL ranks above the junior assistant Scoutmasters in the troop chain of command. He is the executive officer of the troop.

A good Senior Patrol Leader

  • Is proficient in Scouting.
  • Has marked ability as a leader.
  • Has served as a successful patrol leader.
  • Serves as chairman of the Patrol leader’s council.
  • Looks to his Scoutmaster for advice and training.
  • Takes charge of troop meetings.
  • Gives leadership to the program on troop hikes, camps, and special activities.
  • Works with the patrol leaders directly or through the assistant senior patrol leaders.
  • Sets a good example in wearing his uniform.