Item Name: Troop Guide 2015 - Current

Item ID: TGB-2-1-2

Collector Rating: 1

Requirements; Troop Guide 2017 - Current

The troop guide should be an older Scout who holds at least the First Class rank and can work well with younger Scouts. The troop guide is not a member of another patrol but may participate in the high-adventure activities of a Venturing crew.

Troop Guide Position Description:

  • Introduce new Scouts to troop operations.
  • Guide new Scouts through early Scouting activities.• Shield new Scouts from harassment by older Scouts.
  • Help new Scouts earn the First Class rank in their first year.
  • Coach the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol on his duties.
  • Work with the patrol leader at patrol leaders’ council meetings.
  • Attend patrol leaders’ council meetings with the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol.
  • Help new Scouts earn the First Class rank within their first 12 to 18 months.
  • Assist the assistant Scoutmaster with training.
  • Coach individual Scouts on Scouting challenges.
  • Set a good example.
  • Wear the Scout uniform correctly.
  • Live by the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
  • Show and help develop Scout spirit.
  • Teach basic Scout skills.