Item Name: Unit Representative 2022 - Current

Item ID: URB-2-1-1

Collector Rating: 1

Requirements; Order of the Arrow Troop Representative 2017 - Current

The Order of the Arrow troop representative serves as a communication link between the local OA lodge or chapter and the troop/team.

Order of the Arrow Unit Representative Position Description:

  • Encourage year-round and resident camping in the troop/team.
  • Encourage older-Scout participation in high-adventure programs.
  • Encourage Scouts to actively participate in community service projects.• Assist with leadership skills training in the troop/team.
  • Encourage Arrowmen to assume leadership positions in the unit.
  • Encourage Arrowmen in the troop/team to be active participants in lodge and/or chapter activities and to seal their membership in the Order by becoming Brotherhood members.
  • Set a good example.
  • Wear the Scout uniform correctly.
  • Live by the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and OA Obligation.
  • Show and help develop Scout spirit.